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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blame Big Butts!

Edge on an edge and muscle trembling those are the things I can say every time I have bad jeep days.

It isn’t tiresome every time a driver pushes you to ride in a jeep even if it is obviously over-crowded?

(Undoubtedly, YES!)

And after a tiring day at school, would you still want to be so haggard just because of having an insufficient space?

(Obviously, NOT!)

One factor that makes a bad day commuting is when you would feel that edge on an edge feeling that becomes more painful and muscle trembling as a person tries to hold the edge of his butt on the edge of a seat.

I just wish that it won’t happen again.

But unfortunately, it had happen to me so many times that I could remember bad moments from it. One of the unforgettable moments is that when the driver told that there still enough space because the jeep is for 24 persons and that I’m the 24th and all of the sudden, all I can seat upon is like only enough for the half of my butt and what make things worst is that I have a backpack full of heavy books. I wasn’t able to move out that time since the jeep just rush away and so I suffered and not only that people around pushes me out from my seat and that really stressed me a lot!

And therefore! We should blame it to someone or something?

And who should we blame on these experiences!

Is it the Drivers?

They could be but I think all they want is to earn what should they earn in every ride and so …

We should blame it to…

The BIGGER butts!!!

Some people have very big butts that they can occupy twice as much as a normal individual would do. And so in order to not affect the earning of our beloved and sometimes hated jeepney drivers, I believe that people with BIG butts should pay more if they know or aware of the fact that they are occupying more space than a person should do.

BIG butts do not only give you lots of problems and inconvenience because it could also break your day! Since the process of trying to hold on such awkward position inside a moving vehicle is a complete and freaking stress.

Moreover, people with big butts could have been better commuters if only they’ll be responsible enough to pay more or even better not to commute unless through taxi.

Big butts! Big butts! I’m blaming it all to you. I’ll hope these people would recognize their over sized butt such that they’ll recognize the inconvenience they give to some affected commuters.

Lastly, I wish that they’ll realize that the best thing they could do is to tone down their butts not only for their convenience but also for the convenience of some affected people.

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