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Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh Boy! You got boobs.

Is it possible for a man to have breasts?

Well, the answer is yes.

A man or even a young girl could have a breast intentionally or unexpectedly by hormone level manipulation. Long term effects of hormones in our body are completely irreversible in the sense that breasts grew by increasing Estrogen in a body cannot be removed or reversed by decreasing the amount of Estrogen in the body. And so, injecting of hormones in a body should be done with the proper precautions and consultation and also it should be handled and supervised by an expert.
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Intentional reasons mostly came from gays that want to have breasts without undergoing surgical processes. Some (transsexual) gays are used to inject Estrogen in their body to grow a pair of female breast and some gays also want their hormonally induced breasts to have its lactating capabilities and so, they take in additional prolactin in their body. Prolactin is the hormone that is responsible for lactation that is why prolactin production is usually stimulated in women that have difficulty in lactation.

Unfortunately, there are circumstances wherein a man or a young girl could grow a pair of boobs unexpectedly. One case is that when a person is taking in Anti-psychotic drugs. Some anti-psychotic drugs have side-effects that causes an increase in prolactin in a body thus, a person may have sudden grow of breasts in long-term dependence on these drugs. One of the most controversial drugs that cause such side-effect is Risperdal. One day, I was able to watch Inside Edition and they were talking about this drug. It was said that there is a case wherein a child was prescribe with the said drug and the parents, not knowing its side-effects, were surprised when their boy grew a pair of breasts. The side-effect as I’ve said is irreversible and so the child has to undergo mastectomy. The side-effect also caused psychological problems onto the child since the child felt so confused if he is a boy or girl. And so when a doctor prescribes you any drug, make sure to ask if it has any side-effect that must be taken with precaution. Another case wherein a man could grow breasts is when a man is taking in testosterone containing steroids for body building. Taking in additional testosterone of a man doesn’t directly causes a man to grow breasts but it triggers the body to increase Estrogen in the body thus, a man could grow breasts. Estrogen level in a man is very minimal during a homeostatic stage and when there’s a sudden increased in testosterone, homeostasis is disturbed and so in order to bring back the balance in the body, the body increases its Estrogen thus, a may grow a pair of breasts. And so, we should never ever take in steroids without a consultation and guidance from an expert.

And so whenever we need to take in drugs, we should always take into consideration the side effects of the drug and precautionary measures.

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